Military members are entitled to various allowances to ensure the transition to a new location is as smooth and stress free as possible. If you have any questions about the allowances listed, please contact the HRO.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA)
For overseas areas only, individuals moving into community housing may be eligible for OHA and MIHA. Specific circumstances, conditions and requirements of OHA or MIHA are identified in the Joint Federal Travel Regulations.
These extra allowances are in place to off-set the higher costs of living in overseas communities. OHA is a reimbursement and based on actual expenses for rental and utility/recurring maintenance allowances. It is adjusted every pay period for changes in exchange rates.
Members are also authorized a one-time Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA). This allowance is provided for the purchase of supplemental items not normally available in foreign housing, but considered standard when renting in the community at U.S. locations such as window coverings, light fixtures, electricity connection, etc.
For more information about your OHA and MIHA, visit the Defense Travel Management Office website.
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)
When you arrive at Geilenkirchen NATO Air Base, you will be staying in temporary accommodations until you move into permanent quarters. TLA is an entitlement to partially offset the more-than-normal expenses incurred during occupancy of temporary lodging. Prior to your arrival, please work with your sponsor to secure temporary accommodations. Your sponsor can advise whether you will reside in a local hotel or an off-base TLF-type facility. On-base Temporary Lodging Facilities (TLF) are not available at Geilenkirchen.
If permanent housing is not secured within 10 days, military members are required to report to the HRO every 10 days for a recertification of TLA. For TLA entitlements to be extended for the next 10 day period, you must be actively seeking adequate housing as the HRO requires a list of the housing units visited and the reason why they were not acceptable. Please use the TLA validation sheet you received at in-processing. Personal preference issues such as pet restrictions, furniture limitations, preferred school districts, etc. do not qualify as reasons for non-acceptance of available housing.
For more information about TLA at Geilenkirchen NATO Air Base, please contact the HRO at base ext. 2224 or the Finance Office at base ext. 2220.
Living Quarters Allowance (LQA)
Civilian employees recruited from the U.S. are required to live in the local community and may be entitled to receive a Living Quarters Allowance (LQA). LQA is in addition to other allowances and, in most instances, covers most of the costs of housing, heat, electricity, trash, water, and sewer service. The maximum allowable rates depend on the location of the duty assignment, the grade of the employee and how many dependents are living with the employee.
It is important for individuals to know that LQA is a reimbursement and based on actual expenses. It is adjusted every pay period for changes in monetary exchange rates. For more information on LQA please visit the State Department website.
Financing Your Up-Front Move-In Cost
All service military members are entitled to a 100 percent advance of required up-front rent payments and security deposits. Service members must pay back the advanced rent in 12 monthly payments. They may request to have repayment of the security deposits over $500 suspended until termination of the rental contract. Upon termination of the contract the member is required to repay the full amount of the security advance.
The Finance Office will assist you in completing the required paperwork to begin processing your rent advance. For specific questions about the program, please contact the base Financial Services Office at comm. 02451-63-2220.
The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement on any guest house by the Department of Defense