The Military Housing Office (MHO) will refer all incoming personnel desiring to live in the local community to the Housing Services Office (HSO) on Fort Shafter. Their phone number is (808) 438-3820/0149/6198. 

Housing Services
Contact the MHO as soon as you know you are moving. The government housing team will provide you with information about Privatized Housing and the Housing Services Office. Upon arrival, the MHO will also provide you with Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) and in-processing information. 

Planning Your Move
Moving to an overseas location requires additional planning to make sure you and your family are prepared for the transition. There are many things you can do before you arrive to ensure the process to get settled in your new home and community is seamless. 

Call the Royal Alakai at DSN 315-260-1200  to make reservations or for information. If on-base billeting is unavailable, secure a non-availability letter and know your TLA entitlements prior to making a hotel reservation.

Military and Family Support Center (MFSC)
The MFSC is another great resource to obtain pertinent information about the area. Contact them at (808) 449-0300 or on their website at

Additional Questions?
If you have any questions or require additional support, please contact the MHO for more information about preparing for your move to this location. 




Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) When you arrive at JBPHH you will be staying in temporary accommodations until you move into permanent quarters. TLA is an entitlement to partially offset the more-than-normal expenses incurred during occupancy of temporary lodging. Prior to your arrival, please work with your sponsor to secure temporary accommodations. Your sponsor can advise whether you will reside in an on-base Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF), a local hotel or an off-base TLF-type facility. Vacation rentals are not authorized.

If permanent housing is not secured within 60 days, military members are required to report to the MHO every 15 days for a recertification of TLA. For TLA entitlements to be extended for the next 15 day period, you must be actively seeking adequate housing as the MHO requires a list of the housing units visited and the reason why they were not acceptable. Pet restrictions and preferred school districts do not qualify as reasons for non-acceptance of available housing. 

For more details about allowances at JBPHH, please contact the MHO at (808) 448-0856 or (808) 448-6887 for TLA information and Royal Alakai at DSN (315) 448-6887 for TLF information.