Welcome to the Furnishings Management Section (FMS). All personnel entitled
to family housing are authorized temporary loaner furnishings and in some
cases permanent furnishings, depending on the member's JFTR authorization.
For additional information, please submit inquiries to the
1) Temporary Government Furniture Loaner Kits. Temporary loaner
furnishings kits are available for assigned personnel on full JFTR for
90-days after initial delivery and up to 60-days before departure from
Okinawa. Personnel on restricted JFTR are authorized permanent government
furnishings and appliances for the duration of tour and a one-time pickup up
within 90-days after initial delivery.
2) Government Furnishings and Appliance Maintenance. Personnel are
responsible for the safe-keeping of all assigned items placed within their
custody. Personnel will be held financially liable for the lost, damaged, or
destroyed government property.
3) Government Furniture and Appliances Delivery and Self Help. Your home
will already be outfitted with a standard loaner kit when you move-in.
Personnel are authorized a one-time delivery and pickup of government
furnishings and appliances within 90-days after the initial delivery. After
the 90-day mark; personnel on restricted JFTR can visit the Kadena Housing
Furnishings Management Customer Service Section located within building 217
to process the proper forms for self-help issue or turn-in as long as the
entitlement authorization is not exceeded.
Loaner Furnishings kits are made up of
the following items; personnel entitlement will determine the authorized
number of items that will be processed.
4) Government Furnishings Available. Furniture loaner kits are made up of the following items, the member entitlement will determine the number of items that will be processed.
- Double/Queen Bed (member and spouse or head of household)
- Single Bed (per child and/or additional dependent)
- Chest-of-Drawers (1 per bedroom)
- Dresser (member and spouse or head of household)
- Dresser Mirror (member and spouse or head of household)
- Night Table (1 per single bed/2 per double/queen bed)
- Dining Table (1 each)
- Dining Chair w/o Arm (4 each)
- Dining Chair w/ Arm (Restricted JFTR, 2 each)
- Sofa (1 each)
- Easy Chair (Restricted JFTR 2 each / Full JFTR pending number of dependents)
- Coffee Table (1 each)
- End Table (2 each)
- Dryer Electric (1 each)
- Washer Electric (1 each)
- Refrigerator/Freezer Electric (1 each)
- Range Electric (1 each)
5) Major Appliances Assigned to Housing Units. Major appliances including a
washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, and ranges are permanently assigned
to each on base housing unit and are also available for off base housing
6) Shipment of Unauthorized Appliances. Major appliances including a
washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, and ranges owned by military and
DoD civilians are not authorized to be shipped to Okinawa. If a military or
DoD civilian brings their washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, or ranges
to Okinawa the government will not remove the assigned government appliances
from the housing unit, if the member wants to use their own appliances they
are responsible for returning the government appliances to the warehouse and
putting them back in the house when they PCS. Damages to any government
owned appliances being stored or returned to the warehouse (during transit
to and from) are the responsibility of the assigned member. The government
is not responsible for maintaining or repairing non-government owned
appliances. Off base repair shops are limited and expensive.
ENTITLEMENTS: Majority of the bases within Japan, weight restrictions are
in-place. The Air Force allows incoming accompanied personnel 100 percent
full-weight entitlement. Accompanied personnel at U.S. Army bases within
Japan are authorized 25 percent of their pay grade's predetermined weight
entitlement. Navy personnel are authorized to ship 25 percent of their
entitlement to Okinawa. Marine Corp authorizes 25 percent of the JFTR
weight entitlement when travelling accompanied to Okinawa. Members still
will be entitled to non-temporary storage within the States. They can store
or ship the combined weight or their full weight allowance.
Air Force Active Duty Military and Air Force DoD Civilians
1) Personnel are authorized full - 100% JFTR…These members will not be
authorized permanent government furnishings.
2) Every housing unit has government appliances - washer, dryer, dishwasher,
refrigerator, and range. Members are advised not to ship their own
3) Government storage is not provided on base for excess furnishings or
4) Off-base storage is limited and very expensive (member responsible for
all costs).
Active Duty Military - Army, Marine Corp, Navy, Other DoD Civilians, and DoDEA Teachers
1) Members are authorized limited JTR (discuss with your assigned unit).
2) Members are provided permanent government furnishings based on
entitlement until PCS date.
3) Every housing unit has government appliances - washer, dryer, dishwasher,
refrigerator, and range. Members are not authorized to ship their own
Furnishings Management Customer Service - DSN (315) 634-1625 or 632-4073
Kadena Furnishings (Accompanied) Self-Help - DSN (315) 632-4309
Kadena Furnishings (Unaccompanied) Self-Help - DSN (315) 632-4004
Kadena Appliances Self-Help - DSN (315) 632-4079