JB Elmendorf-Richardson

A photo provided by Air Force Academy housing showing a sample offering
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Privatized Housing

At JBER, military family housing is privatized. Aurora Military Housing owns the family housing and is responsible for maintaining, repairing, constructing and managing the community. In addition to your option to purchase and rent housing in the local community, you now may choose to live in privatized housing by signing a lease agreement with Aurora Military Housing.

For comprehensive information about the privatized housing community at JBER, visit the Aurora Military Housing website. The website provides information you need to know about the homes and amenities available in the privatized housing community.

Applying for Privatized Housing

Contact the MHO as soon as you know you are moving to JBER. The government housing team will provide you the latest information about privatized housing and details about the application process. The MHO will also update you on any base specific policies regarding residing in privatized housing.

Community Amenities

  • Self Help Center (wide selection of free items and rental to repair, maintain, and enhance your home)
  • Street maintenance and snow removal
  • 24/7 Housing Maintenance and lockout service
  • All major appliances
  • Covered Utility Program (Gas, Electricity, Water, Sewer, Refuse and Recycling)
  • Community playgrounds
  • Deployed Spouse Program
  • Rentable community centers/event space
  • Rentable community garden plots

Paying Rent for Privatized Housing

Similar to living in the local community, you will sign a tenant lease agreement, typically for a 1-year term. Your lease includes a military clause and a lease termination clause. You pay your monthly rent by authorizing an allotment of your BAH that is paid directly to the Property Manager. If your move occurs prior to the allotment start date, then you will need to pay the pro-rated rent directly to the Property Manager. The Lease Agreement spells out all relevant rent payment terms and conditions.

Gas and Electric Utilities

At JBER, some homes in the community are metered and Aurora Military Housing manages your utility bill based on personal consumption. Gas and Electric are based on a utility allowance. The Air Force requires that all installations (including JBER) maintain a Utility Allowance Program to promote Conservation and environmental consciousness among residents. The utility allowance is recalculated monthly and is based on the average utility Consumption of the middle 80% of homes in your like type group. Please go to the auroramilitaryhousing.com website for more on the utility allowance.

Personal Property Insurance

Renter’s insurance is available through most major insurance companies and its cost depends in part on the value of the personal property you are insuring, as well as the coverage limits and the deductible amounts. Earthquake, flood, theft, and fire are disasters that could hit any of us at any time. Here in Alaska we are particularly prone to experiencing earthquakes, which can lead to flood and fire.

School Information

For local school information, please visit the Anchorage School District website found under the Important Links section of this page.

Unaccompanied Housing

Dormitories are provided for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service. Each Airman is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens and supplies required for comfortable living. Room arrangements may vary depending on location.

Unaccompanied Airmen in the rank of E-4, with greater than 3 years of service and above, move directly into housing in the local community. Refer to the off-base housing tab for information and assistance on securing housing in the local community.

Permanent party enlisted UH campus consists of:

  • Dorms-4-Airmen (D4A); each Airman has a private bedroom and bathroom; and four Airmen share the kitchen and sitting area
  • Three 1+1 dorms; each Airman has a private bedroom; two Airmen share a bathroom and kitchen
  • Three 1+1 dorms; each Airman has a private bedroom; Airmen share a bathroom; and a common kitchen is shared by everyone in the dorm


  • 5-minute walk from UH campus to Defense and Accounting Center (DFAC)
  • All-terrain vehicle (ATV) storage lots
  • College classes offered on campus
  • Fitness center
  • Internet cafe
  • Long- term secure parking
  • Wi-Fi hot spots in all dayrooms


  • Alcohol-free campus
  • All dorms are non-smoking

Base Specific Policy

During your orientation, the ADL or UH Management Office representative will inform you of all Air Force and base-specific policies.

UH Management Office Staff

The UH Management Office is staffed with professionals that can assist with all of your housing needs. Staffs vary but can be comprised of non-commissioned officers (NCO), Senior NCOs and some bases have civilian employees. The assigned military are Airman Dormitory Leaders (ADL). These members are highly motivated personnel dedicated to ensuring that residents receive quality service. ADLs will provide you guidance and advice on UH life as well as mentor you on succeeding in the Air Force.

Assignment Procedures

As soon as you are notified of your assignment, contact your gaining unit and request to be assigned a sponsor. Your sponsor will be another military member assigned to your unit and will assist with your move. Your sponsor or gaining unit must then contact the UH Management Office to notify them of your impending arrival date and work to secure you a dormitory room.

Unit Integrity

In most cases, you will be assigned a room in an area of the dormitory set aside for the personnel who work in your unit. This is to promote camaraderie among squadron members. If a room is not available near other members of your unit, you may be assigned a temporary room until one with your unit becomes available.

Planning Your Move

Prior to travel, arrange to meet your sponsor or someone from your unit upon arrival. If you arrive on a business day during normal duty hours, have your sponsor escort you to the UH Management Office. An ADL or a civilian Dorm Manager will take you through the process of checking you into your room and performing a move-in inspection and inventory of the allotted furnishings and supplies.

If you arrive on the weekend or after normal duty hours, have your sponsor make arrangements to pick up your room key from the UH Management Office or acquire a hospitality room for you until you can meet with an ADL or Dorm Manager. If you obtain your room key outside of normal duty hours, it is still a mandatory requirement to report to the UH Management Office the next duty day for in-processing.

Resident Responsibilities

You will be expected to keep your room and any shared living space clean and tidy. Cleaning supplies and equipment can be provided to you free of charge. You will also be accountable for your room and the furnishings provided. Residents may be held liable for any damages beyond normal fair wear and tear.See your ADL or UH Management Office representative if you have any questions about your resident responsibilities.

Inspection Program

The Installation Commander establishes a base-wide UH inspection program focused on health and safety. Squadron Commanders and unit First Sergeants implement the inspection program and visit rooms to ensure that all residents from their squadron comply with installation standards.

Bay Orderly Program

UH residents are expected to assist in the cleaning and upkeep of common areas and shared facilities of their "home." You will periodically be detailed to perform essential cleaning and minor maintenance around the UH campus.

Dormitory Councils

The Airmen Dormitory Council is the forum by which residents of an individual dormitory or group of dormitories address concerns about their living environment with a panel of their peers. The purpose of the council is to establish standards for all residents, present solutions for problem areas, establish positive recreational activities and identify facility and furnishing improvements. Participation at your location is a chance to be involved in shaping your living environment and provides an opportunity for personal growth and development in the areas of leadership and personal relationships. Ask your ADL or UH Management Office representative about how you can get involved.


It is mandatory for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service to reside in UH. An E-4 residing in UH reaching 3 years of service may be authorized to move out of UH and into local community housing. Contact the UH Management Office for procedures you must follow to clear your room. In certain circumstances, such as to make space available for more junior Airmen, you may be authorized to move out of UH before reaching E-4 with greater than 3 years of service. The most senior Airmen are released first. Your ADL or UH Management Office representative will advise residents when early release is necessary.

Space Available Rooms

When there is an excess of dormitory rooms, personnel in the ranks of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above may be eligible to reside in UH on a space available basis. Contact the UH Management Office to inquire about availability.

Community Housing

Housing Services

Contact the JBER MHO as soon as you know you are moving. The government housing team will provide you the latest information on the local housing situation and offer complete referral services and relocation assistance to make sure you find a quality place to live. Support services range from helping members understand their lease agreements and the necessity for a military release clause to assisting in resident and landlord dispute resolution, among many other services.

Rental Partnership Program (RPP)

At JBER the MHO has worked closely with local landlords and property managers to obtain special reductions and benefits for members leasing a rental unit through this program. Typical benefits might include a waiver of security and utility deposits, no credit checks or application fees, a discount on market rental rates and immediate access to housing.

To obtain referral and relocation assistance, we encourage you to reach out for personalized services provided by the JBER MHO staff. You can reach us via email: 673CES.CEH@elmendorf.af.mil.

Personal Property Insurance

Renter's insurance is available through most major insurance companies and its cost depends in part on the value of the personal property you are insuring, as well as the coverage limits and the deductible amounts. Earthquake, flood, theft, and fire are disasters that could hit any of us at any time. Here in Alaska we are particularly prone to experiencing earthquakes, which can lead to flood and fire.

Realtor Services

JBER Elmendorf-Richardson and the Anchorage Board of Realtors have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to improve the housing education and awareness to the military families stationed in the Anchorage area. The realtors provide rental, sales and statistical information from the Anchorage Multiple Listings Service, as a gratuitous service. Additional this program delivers a weekly home buyer seminar at the JBER-Elmendorf office. For additional information please call (907) 552-4439 or DSN: 317 552-4439.

School Information

For local school information, please visit the Anchorage School District website found under the Important Links section of this page.

Military Housing Office

Phone (907) 552-4439
Fax (907) 552-7540
Email 673ces.ceh@us.af.mil
Address 6346 Arctic Warrior Drive
JBER-E, AK. 99506
Hours M-F -8:00am - 4:30pm (Alaska Time)

Privatized Housing

Phone (907) 753-1023
Fax (907) 753-1095
Email aurora@jlproperties.com
Address 6350 Arctic Warrior Drive
JBER, AK 99506
Hours M-F - 8:00am - 5:00pm (Alaska Time)

Air Force
Unaccompanied Housing

Phone UHSuperintendent
(907) 552-9949
DSN (317)552-9949
Borealis Hall
DSN (317) 552-9949
Eklutna/Turnagain Hall
DSN (317) 552-5786
Polaris Hall
DSN (317) 552-6550
Kodiak Hall
DSN (317) 552-2377
Glacier Hall
DSN (317) 552-5068
Yukla Hall
DSN (317) 552-9960
Grizzly Hall
DSN (317) 580-9949
DSN (317) 580-9949
Email dormmanagers@elmendorf.af.mil
Address 7083 Chennault Avenue
JBER-E, Alaska 99506
Hours M-W-F - 7:30am - 4:30pm
T-Th - 8:30am - 3:30pm (Alaska Time)

Military Housing Office

Phone (907) 384-3907
Fax (907) 384-1031
Email jber.rich.housing@elmendorf.af.mil
Address 724 Postal Service Loop
#4500, Bldg 600,
JBER-R, AK. 99505
Hours M-F - 8:00am - 4:30pm (Alaska Time)

Unaccompanied Housing

Phone UPH Chiel
(907) 384-7624
509 BN
(907) 854-5462
501 BN 651/668
(907) 854-5466
6th BEB/4/25/BDE Bldg 681 & BEQ/BOQS
(907) 854-2811
Signal725 BN Bldg 682
(907) 854-5461
1/40 CAV Bldg 688
(907) 854-5467
17th CSSB Bldg 791
(907) 382-7286
PFAR Bldg 681 & BEQ/BOQS
(907) 854-5468
Email 673ces.ceihd.bm@us.af.mil
After Hours/Emergency JBER-E (907) 223-0853
JBER-R (907) 854-5464
Hours 0730-1630 (Alaska Time)