Yokota AB

A photo provided by Air Force Academy housing showing a sample offering
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Government Housing

For many families, living in government housing provides easy access to community services and amenities such as schools, youth programs, Commissary/Exchange, and food services. This is especially true in overseas locations where you will find yourself dependent on the support facilities and services on the installation much more than in the U.S. Living in government housing provides a safe and secure place to reside and provides a mentoring and supportive environment for families.

All accompanied members are required to report to the Military Housing Office NLT 48 hours (2 Business Days) after arrival.

Government housing is provided to military members who meet the following criteria:

  • Military members accompanied by authorized dependents
  • Military-Married-to-Military couples assigned to same or adjacent base and residing jointly
  • Key and Essential Personnel
  • Eligible Civilians (space available)

On 4 Oct 2012, 374 AW/CC rescinded YAB "On-Base First Policy" and superseded with "Housing Assignment Procedures". Compliance with these procedures is mandatory in order to maximize use of existing and available housing inventory while meeting specific AF goals and requirements. Military members assigned to Yokota are required to reside in base housing when adequate housing is available. For more details, please see the 'Housing Assignment Procedures" uploaded under Featured Documents.

Contact the Yokota Military Housing Office (MHO) if you have questions about the housing eligibility at Yokota at DSN (315) 225-3252 or commercial number 81-425-52-2510; after the 2nd dial tone, enter 53252 and/or send an e-mail to 374ceshousing@us.af.mil.

Yokota AB Housing

Government housing consists of garden and tower units in four locations - East Area, West Area, North Area, South Area.

Accompanied personnel with a permanent change of station (PCS) to Yokota AB are authorized full JTR weight allowance. Because government quarters are small, accompanied personnel are encouraged to NOT ship their full JTR weight allowance; instead we recommend that you use your non-temporary storage (NTS) entitlement at the departing location. If you ship your full JTR weight allowance, be aware that Yokota AB does not have storage facilities to accommodate excess household items, and local rental storage is very limited. Further, you are not entitled to ship items back to the continental U.S. (CONUS) for non-temporary storage (NTS). The furniture management office (FMO) will provide washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator on permanent base and offer loaner furniture kits for up to 90 days or until HHGs arrives. DO NOT SHIP washers, dryers, refrigerators, and stoves. Tokyo area and Yokota uses 100 Volts and 50 Hz electricity.

Pet Policy in Government Family Housing

Aggressive or potentially aggressive dog breeds are not allowed on the installation. For complete information, see the Air Force Pet Policy.

Yokota Specific Pet Restriction

  • Garden Units: Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats--no more than two, total
  • Designated Towers, first three floors: Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats--no more than two, total

Contact an MHO counselor in advance to check the availability of a pet friendly tower unit before shipping dogs and/or cats. We cannot guarantee that a pet friendly unit will be available when you arrive. If you elect to bring your pet and wait for pet friendly unit, your TLA entitlement may be terminated.

Applying for Privatized Housing

Submit an advance application for assignment (DD Form 1746) through the MHO at your losing installation and include a complete copy of your PCS orders. The effective date of the application is the date you depart your prior installation (including members with TDY enroute) or the date ordered to active duty. Send your application and orders to 374ceshousing@us.af.mil.

Applications may also be submitted upon arrival during your first visit to the MHO. The MHO staff will assist you in completing the application and will review PCS orders and housing options with you. For walk-in applications, as long as you apply for government housing within 30 days of arrival, you will be placed on the waiting list effective the date you departed your previous installation. If you process your application after 30 days, the application date will be the date of the walk-in. Make sure your application identifies and includes supporting documentation for an impending promotion or gain of dependents so we can place you on the appropriate waiting list.

Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)

TLA will be paid in accordance with the Joint Federal Regulation (JTR) and AFI 32-6000. Members receiving TLA are required to accept the first available unit. Members receiving TLA will accept the first available adequate housing offered or will forfeit their TLA.TLA authorizations will stop on the date which adequate/available housing is offered, accepted or refused.

Community Amenities

  • Military & Family Readiness Center
  • Arts & Crafts Center
  • Auto Hobby Center
  • Child Development Centers (Kibo CDC and Yume CDC)
  • DECA Commissary
  • Enlisted and Officers Club
  • Samurai Fitness Center & Annex
  • ITT Travel Agency
  • Library
  • Natatorium Indoor Pool and Sakana Outdoor Pool
  • Outdoor Recreation / Equipment Rental
  • PAR 3 Golf Course
  • Pet Care Center
  • Professional Development Center
  • School Age Program
  • Taiyo Community Center
  • Tama Hills Golf Course and Recreation Area
  • Teen Center
  • Thrift Shop
  • Tomadachi Lanes Bowling Center
  • Veterinary Clinic
  • Youth Center
  • Youth sports
  • Yujo Community Center

Personal Property Insurance

We highly encourage you to obtain legal liability and personal property insurance for your possessions and should choose the options and amounts that best fit your needs and lifestyle.

School Information

Unaccompanied Housing

At Yokota AB we strive to create an inclusive environment that cultivates the development and training of Airmen. The Air Force recognizes that the management of Unaccompanied Housing (UH) facilities is critical to an Airman's development process. UH is a personal residence and we strive to provide a modern, functional, well maintained and comfortable home, as well as promote pride, professionalism and personal dignity. Air Force Instruction 32-6005, Unaccompanied Housing Management, provides guidance, policy and procedures for managing UH for enlisted and eligible civilians, assigned to Air Force installations.

All Unaccompanied members are required to report to the Military Housing Office NLT 48 hours after arrival.

Key and essential (K&E) personnel: Are required to live on the installation as a matter of military necessity. Exception to this assignment policy is required in writing and approval/disapproval will be determined by the Installation Commander as specified in AFI 32-6005.

While waiting for UH on-base, 15 days Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) entitlement will be authorized. TLA entitlement starts the first night you are in TLA status. TLA extensions will be reviewed in advance and will be authorized on a case-by-case basis.

Dormitory rooms are furnished with linens, a microwave and a refrigerator. Some dormitories have shared bathrooms and some have private bathrooms. Most dormitories have shared kitchens, laundry rooms and fitness areas. Please reconsider NOT bringing large pieces of furniture. The dorm room square footage varies between 250 to 578 sq ft. It is highly encouraged that you utilize your Non Temporary Storage (NTS) entitlement during your PCS to Yokota. If you bring furniture that will not fit into your dorm room or other unaccompanied quarters, the government will not return items to NTS and storage facilities are not available

On 4 Oct 2012, 374 AW/CC rescinded YAB "On-Base First Policy" and superseded with "Housing Assignment Procedures". Compliance with these procedures is mandatory in order to maximize use of existing and available housing inventory while meeting specific AF goals and requirements. For more details, please see Housing Assignment Procedures posted under Featured Documents.

Unaccompanied personnel in grades E-1 through E-6: Will be assigned to government provided, on-base housing. All unaccompanied Officers, SNCOs (E-7 through E-9), and Civilian equivalents: Will reside off-base.

When shipping household goods, although members may be authorized to ship their full weight allowance IAW JTR, we highly recommend for you to limit HHG shipment to necessity/essential items and avoid shipping bulk items. As off-base quarters, as well as on base quarters, are relatively small, we recommend you use your non-temporary storage (NTS) entitlement during your PCS at Yokota. In addition, storage facilities on base and off base storage are limited and very expensive. The Furniture Management Office (FMO) will provide a washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator on a permanent basis and offer loaner furniture kits only up to 90 days or until your household goods arrive. DO NOT SHIP washers, dryers, refrigerators, and stoves. Tokyo area and Yokota uses 100 Volts and 50 Hz electricity

Restrictions at Yokota

Guests are prohibited in the UH between 2400-0600 hours. Dependent visitor may be authorized by the Installation Commander. For more details, please see Yokota Supplement to AFI 32-6005 or call the Unaccompanied Management Office.

Base Specific Policy

During your orientation, the Airman Dorm Leader (ADL) or UH Management Office representative will inform you of all Air Force and base-specific policies.

UH Management Office Staff

The Yokota UH Management Office is staffed with professionals that can assist with all of your housing needs. The staff consists of military Airman Dorm Leaders (ADL), local national counselors, and U.S. DoD civilian employees. Our staff is highly motivated and will ensure that you receive quality service.

Assignment Procedures

As soon as you are notified of your assignment to Yokota AB, contact your gaining unit and request to be assigned a sponsor. Your sponsor will be another military member assigned to your unit and will assist with your move. The sponsor or gaining unit must contact the UH Management Office to notify them of your impending arrival date and work to secure a dormitory room for you. Once you receive your orders, send us a copy of your orders at 374ceshousing@us.af.mil.

Unit Integrity

Yokota AB follows unit/group integrity when assigning dorm rooms to E-1 to E-4 personnel. In most cases, you will be assigned a room in an area of the dormitory set aside for the personnel who work in your unit. This is to promote camaraderie among squadron members. If a room is not available near other members of your unit, you may be assigned a temporary room.

Resident Responsibilities

Our Yokota Unaccompanied Military Housing Office will brief you on requirements addressed in our Dorm Residents Responsibility Letter. The letters are not intended to cover all items of interest, but highlight the important issues and explain Air Force responsibilities toward your home as well as what is expected of residents.

You will be expected to keep your room and any shared living space clean and tidy IAW AF UH standards. Cleaning supplies and equipment may be provided to you free of charge, if available. You will also be accountable for your room and the furnishings provided. Residents will be held liable for any damages beyond normal fair wear and tear. See your ADL or UH Management Office representative if you have any questions about your resident responsibilities.

Inspection Program

The Installation Commander establishes a base-wide UH inspection program focused on health and safety. Squadron Commanders and unit First Sergeants implement the inspection program and visit rooms to ensure that all residents from their squadron comply with installation standards. The Yokota Dorm of the Quarter Inspection competition encourages residents to be involved with the upkeep of their dorms. The dorm demonstrating the highest level of involvement from residents and their leadership will be recognized.

Bay Orderly Program

UH residents are required to assist in the cleaning and upkeep of common areas and shared facilities of their "home." You will be detailed periodically to perform essential cleaning and minor maintenance around the UH campus. Taking care of our dormitories is the responsibility of all residents in our enlisted dorms for E6 and below.

Dormitory Councils

The Airmen Dormitory Council is the forum by which residents of an individual dormitory or group of dormitories address concerns about their living environment with a panel of their peers. The purpose of the council is to establish standards for all residents, present solutions for problem areas, establish positive recreational activities and identify facility and furnishing improvements. Participation at your location is a chance to be involved in shaping your living environment and provides an opportunity for personal growth and development in the areas of leadership and personal relationships. Ask your ADL or UH Management Office representative how you can get involved.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions or require additional support or info, please contact the UH Management Office at DSN(315) 225-3252

Community Housing

Housing in the Local Community

The Military Housing Office (MHO) provides all DoD personnel with personalized service to assist in locating suitable housing. Moving to a new country can often be confusing and stressful; however, it can also be exciting. Living off base provides members and families the chance to experience a new culture and make friends with their host-country neighbors. The MHO will assist you every step of the way to help you find your new home in the local community.

Off-Base Housing Eligibility

The following procedures will be used in determining whether accompanied/unaccompanied members and DoD civilians will be assigned to government-provided quarters or authorized to reside off-base:

  1. Accompanied Military Personnel: Members will be required to reside on-base, if adequate housing is available.
  2. Unaccompanied Military Personnel:
    • Unaccompanied personnel in grades E- 1 through E-4 will be assigned to government-provided, on-base housing.
    • Unaccompanied personnel in grades E-5 will be assigned to government provided on-base housing if required occupancy rate goal is not met.
    • All unaccompanied E-7s and above will reside off-base.
  3. Key and Essential (K&E) Personnel: Designated K&E personnel are required to live on the installation as a matter of military necessity.
  4. DoD Civilian: All DoD unaccompanied civilian will reside off-base. DoD accompanied personnel has option to reside off base. Please ask the Civilian Personnel Flight for entitlement of LQA.


Members who are authorized to live in the community housing receive Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) for rent, utility, and maintenance payment. Members are also authorized a one-time Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA). All service members are entitled to a 100 percent advance of required up-front rent payments. Service members must pay back the advanced rent in 12 monthly payments. DoD civilian must contact their Civilian Personnel Office for Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) and Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) entitlements.

Housing Services

Contact the MHO as soon as you know you are moving. The government housing team will provide you the latest information on the local housing situation as well as local laws governing off-base housing. The MHO partners with landlords, realtors and property managers to make sure you receive the most current information about the local housing market. The MHO monitors off-base rental listings to ensure they are safe and adequate. If you find available units you are interested in after your arrival, we do coordinate to view the units.

HOMES.mil is an official Department of Defense (DoD) website, dedicated to helping Service Members, Families, and DoD civilians with Home Finding Services. HOMES.mil provides access to non-discriminatory rental listings on a 24/7 basis. HOMES.mil will provide features such as search and display options as well as Google maps; will allow users to save listings, view photos, and research housing areas; and allow users to compare up to four different properties at one time.

HOMES.mil is linked to the government housing office through eMH Referrals and helps installation housing offices to ensure rental properties are listed with accuracy so customers can access the site to conduct home-finding searches before and after arrival to their new duty location. Even with HOMES.mil being launched for customer access, the Air Force housing offices will continue to provide support services to members and their families. The AF housing public website, http://www.housing.af.mil contains information specific to each installation and will also post information on HOMES.mil with the link for easy access to community housing rental listings. Landlords and property managers may contact the installation housing office to address questions concerning HOMES.mil.

The MHO can assist you with:

  • Application for assignment to off-base housing
  • Providing translation services between you and local rental agencies
  • Coordinating transportation and viewing appointments for off-base housing
  • Scheduling housing Compliance inspection
  • Requesting advance housing allowance (military only)
  • Completing required government Forms
  • Negotiating and translating lease contracts
  • Establishing utility services
  • Providing furnishings support (see Furnishings Management for a list of available duration of tour Items

After you move into your home, MHO can assist you with on-going translation services for communicating with your landlord.

Shipment of Household goods

When shipping household goods, although members may be authorized to ship their full weight allowance IAW JFTR, we highly recommend for you to limit HHG shipment to necessity/essential items and avoid shipping bulk items. As off-base quarters are relatively small, we recommend you use your non-temporary storage (NTS) entitlement during your PCS at Yokota.

Loaner kit government furniture will only be issued on a 90 day basis to eligible military members and DoD civilians, and must be returned when HHG arrive. In the event you ship your full JFTR weight allowance, you will not be authorized to ship items back to CONUS for non-temporary storage at government expense. Local rental storage units are very limited and expensive.

Community Housing Units

Japanese homes, especially in Tokyo, are built smaller compared to American standards. Living room areas, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, hallways, stairwells, and closets are fairly small compared to the U.S. Durable straw mats called "tatami" mats cover some rooms in Japanese homes.

One tatami mat is approximately 3' x 6' and about 3" thick. The number of mats has become a measure for the size of a room. There are usually 6 tatami mats in a standard size room, which equals approximately 9' x 12'. Due to generally smaller sized rooms, it is recommended you carefully select the type and furniture size you bring to Japan. Western style homes are becoming available; however, quantities are limited.

Trash rules are different in each city. The common rule is you must separate burnable, unburnable, and recyclable refuse. A guideline for trash is available through each city hall and your landlord. Off-base trash may not be brought on base for disposal.

Electric power is slightly different between Japan and the U.S; Japan is 100 volts/50Hz, and the U.S. is 120 volts/60Hz. Most appliances, with the exception of appliances with timing devices installed, will work at this lower voltage, but check the data plate on the back of your devices before use.

Telephone, Internet and Television

Optical fiber and cable TV are becoming mainstreams for telephone (IP phone), internet, and TV services. If an antenna for digital broadcasting is already installed at your house, you will be able to watch Japanese TV channels. If you would like to watch American channels, you need to have either fiber-optic or cable TV. Decoder boxes may be available but is subject to availability by FMO.

The information below serves as a starting points to help you get a phone, Internet, and TV set up in your community housing. It is not an endorsement of the companies listed. You need to get permission from your landlord to install fiber-optic or cable TV beforehand. Below are the companies that provide fiber-optic or cable TV services:

Personal Property Insurance

You need to obtain personal property insurance for your possessions and to provide coverage for liability claims, medical payments to third parties, as well as damage to your home caused by theft, fire, storms, smoke, frozen pipes, and ice or snow. Damages caused by an earthquake are NOT included under personal property insurance. Earthquake coverage must be purchased separately. Personal Property Insurance will cost about ¥ 20,000 for two years. Earthquake coverage will range between ¥ 10,000 - 20,000 for two years on top of your personal property insurance.

Before purchasing your insurance, please consult the MHO for more information about coverage.

School Information

For families, we understand that where your children attend school plays a large factor in the decision of where to live.

For more information about schools, visit:

Additional Questions

If you have any questions or require additional support, please contact the Military Housing Office for more information about preparing for your move to this location. DSN (315) 225-3252, COM 011-81-3117-55-3252 or send an e-mail at 374ceshousing@yokota.af.mil.

Military Housing Office

Phone 81-425-52-2510;
after the 2nd dial tone, enter 53252
DSN (315) 225-3252
Fax 81-425-52-2510;
after the 2nd dial tone, enter 53496
DSN(315) 225-3496
Email 374ceshousing@us.af.mil
Address 374 CES/CEIHH
Unit 5104
APO AP 96328-5104
Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 8:00am - 3:30pm
Thurs 8:00am-2:30pm
(Japanese Standard Time)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays

Unaccompanied Housing

Phone 81-425-52-2510;
after the 2nd dial tone, enter 58045
DSN(315) 225-8045
Fax 81-425-52-2510;
after the 2nd dial tone, enter 53496
DSN(315) 225-3496
Email 374ceshousing@us.af.mil
Address 374 CES/CEIHD
Unit 5104
APO AP 96328-5104
Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 8:00am - 3:30pm
Thurs 8:00am-2:30pm
(Japanese Standard Time)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays